lard substitute for frying

Cooking with lard | The New Home Economics.
My Favorite Receipt - Google Books Result.
Is butter an acceptable substitute for lard? - Home Cooking. - Chow.
Rendering and Preserving Lard | Preparedness Pro.
Although the recipe traditionally calls for lard, shortening is a fine substitute.. Step 4 Put the lard and butter in a large cast-iron frying pan or pot big enough to.
lard substitute for frying
Is Lard Healthy? - Ask Dr. Weil - 23, 2012. deep-fried or not - I'm guessing they're not. Anyway, it says you can substitute margarine for lard if you prefer. The question is, why margarine.
Is there a LARD substitute? great-grandmothers cooked with lard, people were actually healthier than they are now -- and their fried foods.
lard substitute for frying
Conscientious Cook: Alternatives to Vegetable Shortening | The Kitchn.Lard as a substitute for shortening in pie crust and cookie recipes?
shortening vs. lard - Home Cooking - Chowhound.
May 10, 2011. Lard is a very stable fat therefore is an excellent choice for frying. .. If I have a recipe that calls for Crisco … do I substitute the lard equally?
The Truth about lard and why you should use it | Divine Health.